Leading with Strategic Thinking: 4 Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change and Get Results

Disruptive forces are sweeping through nearly every industry, placing heightened importance on both strategy and leadership. The strategy is critical to ensure that businesses navigate a changing competitive landscape. Leadership is necessary to rally teams and seize these opportunities.

This challenge requires a different type of leadership - one less focused on a university set of leadership qualities and more focused on the ability to adapt one’s leadership to fit each unique situation. The best leaders are clear about both what they are trying to achieve and how to lead in a specific way tailored to what they are trying to accomplish.

This session will focus on providing insight into:

  • What it means to “be strategic."
  • The fundamental leadership choices that everyone faces when attempting to define and execute a strategy.
  • How anyone can be a strategic leader, regardless of their role or level of responsibility.