Four Trends That will Change the Focus of Learning

In the modern business environment, those who can thrive among chaos while helping others to prosper as well will be your future leaders suggests a significant study by i4cp. Leadership competencies of the next ten years revolve around fast-changing environments and uncertainty. Leadership agility, flexibility, innovation, communication, and change management were the top five competencies identified as requirements for future leaders by i4cp survey respondents.

During this presentation, we’ll share a strategic overview of key trends that have tremendous implications on corporate learning for enabling high performance.

  • The “Social” Side of Leading – What new tools help develop more effective communicators, both one-on-one, in groups, as well as virtually via technology.
  • Embedding L&D into D & I – Why developing cross-cultural leadership skills is essential?
  • Experiential Learning – How research shows that “experiential” learning is a “next practice”
  • The Changing Definition of Work and the Workforce – How i4cp’s Future of Work research is helping organizations tailor their talent roadmap?

This session will focus on providing insight into while traditional ILT still ranks #1 in perceived effectiveness, but research indicates new approaches for HR to increase business impact.
