How to Get a Standing Ovation When you Present Your Upskilling Plan

"What skills will matter to you and your organization in the future?"
If you don't solve this riddle with agility, curiosity, and smart technology capabilities, your organization could fade from existence.
Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on reskilling and upskilling for their employees to ensure corporate relevance and to cultivate a competitive edge in a time of accelerated change. In turn, they want to serve their customers and partners with products, offerings and skills that create value in the form of revenues and loyal relationships.
Solving the future skills puzzle requires a more practical approach than crystal ball gazing..

Discussion Points:
We'll focus our roundtable discussion on the following:

  • How are you currently preparing for future skills?
  • How do you get buy-in from your management and colleagues for your skilling programs?
  • Where do you start when identifying skills gaps?
  • How do you currently conduct a skills audit in your organization?
  • Is L&D involved in agile transformation initiatives at your business?
  • Are there other parts of your organization considering or in the process of digital or agile transformation?