From Learning to Performance

For years our industry has struggled with the idea of blended learning. It was an attempt to mix modalities in a way that optimized learning experience. For many it didn't extend far enough for the learner. Continuous learning is an attempt to harness both formal and informal instruction. This session will address the challenges and opportunities of extending learning into the workflow.

To help guide the interactive discussion, our facilitator, Bob Mosher, Chief Learning Evangelist with Intuitive, will focus questions and guide the roundtable conversation on some of the following discussion points …

  • How do you define “Continuous Learning” at your organization?
  • Who are the key stakeholders in its success?
  • What are the key ingredients in an organization that enables continuous learning?
  • What tools enable it?
  • How do organizations define continuous learning?
  • Who were the key stakeholders we need to engage?
  • Is continuous learning measurable?
  • What are the tools and methodologies available to make continuous learning successful?

