Building Trust and Connections Virtually

Session Focus: Building trust and creating an intimate environment to help remote leaders grow

Experience a powerful technique to build trust quickly between people virtually.

Trust and connection among peers in a leadership development program are critical to success. Developing connection in a virtual program poses challenges we can all relate to and requires different strategies.

We’ll use Zoom Breakouts for a fun interactive activity and small-group roundtable discussions about the keys to remote leadership development success.

Let’s Talk Talent Strategies is our invite-only complimentary event for senior HR and L&D leaders, people managers, and anyone with a passion for talent and innovation who is ready to embrace new ideas.

The ELE community invites you to join us at…
Virtual Happy Hour Meetup
from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. (Central Time) | Grab your favorite “quarantini” & Zoom in

To share & learn with your peer-group with no formal agenda.

Learn new skills and explore talent development capabilities with this opportunity to Connect Contribute Collaborate & Impact with talent development leaders on Zoom.

  • How Do We in L&D Add Unexpected Value?
  • Why does it matter?