Leveraging Learning for Workplace Sustainability

This highlight video is from October 10th Chicago Exchange at Zurich American Insurance, session Leveraging Learning for Workplace Sustainability

Ensuring we have a skilled workforce to meet the demands of the future has always been part of the important work of L&D. But how do we sustain this in a world where the pace of skills disruption is accelerating, and work is becoming more challenging? Teams are hybrid and more dispersed than ever. Sustaining work means investing in people and creating an environment where they can grow and thrive so they are “fit for the future.” It also means that we have leaders that can pave the way for a new world of work.

Join our panel where we discuss strategies for learning and leadership to ensure we are sustaining work.

  • How is the skills disruption affecting your organization? What skills are you focused on developing?
  • How are you ensuring you have the right talent to meet the emerging needs of the organization? What are you doing to support career pathing and talent agility?
  • What do you believe leaders need to do more to meet the demands of changing work? How are you developing your leaders to do that?
  • Increasingly we find it challenging to create a sense of belonging in the hybrid world of work. What things are you doing from a development perspective to manage the culture and cultivate belonging?