Using Design Thinking in Action to Change Learning Workshop

Last year, Josh Bersin’s prediction #5 was HR teams will stop designing "programs" and instead design integrated, high-value "experiences" that excite, engage and inspire employees.

As we look for opportunities to shape the Employee Experience, Design Thinking—a creative process that combines thoughtful user research with rapid iteration, provides a framework to help HR simplify complex workplaces.

Using Design Thinking:
During this working session, Karen will continue the conversation sharing the Design Thinking process to discover new ways to simplify work and improve productivity, performance, and engagement.

Activities in this hands-on session will use the design thinking process discussed at a high level in Karen’s keynote to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand empathetically an HR process most appropriate for transforming using design thinking
  • Generate ideas that will help with the transformation
  • Test and learn to determine which of the ideas will result in the most value
  • Iterate based on customer feedback to ensure the result delivers the best outcomes