Re-thinking Learning Organization | Applying Lean Principles

In this session, you’ll get the opportunity to explore the GE & UL approaches using Lean and dynamic work to foster individual learning as part of organizational learning & development.

What we will explore together:

Lean thinking is a self-directed learning strategy that develops people's reasoning by incorporating self-reflection. Self-reflection is a diagnostic on to itself. Reflection is “practice.” The Lean part of this equation is also a focus on eliminating waste in the performance and execution of one’s skills that are deployed in the flow of work.

Learning organization is the capacity of an organization to reinvent its products/ services through the collective learning of its employees. They will acquire the personal learning mastery and along with the leaders, they have to identify learning opportunities, solve problems, share the solutions and make them accessible for reuse and product/ process improvements

Discussion Points:

We explore and have a conversation on the following questions:

How can we design the learning organization without additional technology investment and in a “scrappy or agile” way?

What are the components of a learning organization that emphasize the Lean principles and behaviors?

GE’s approach to integrating personal learning into organizational knowledge. A step-by-step process for comprehensive L&D with a Lean mindset.

UL’s approach to dynamic work design in coordination/ collaborative work hands-offs.
