Learning Together: With In-Person Training on Hold, How Do We in L&D Add Value?

Many spent a lot of time this spring transitioning existing and new courses to virtual delivery. Although not always easy, a great experience taking ILT content and delivering it differently. Many of us surprised ourselves.

Jesse and Colin will share some of the lessons learned at Douglas Dynamics and we want to hear from today's participants.

What we will explore together

This is the Learning Leadership Summit is ELE's first full-day virtual exchange. Should we keep future formats as a full-day, 8-hour day, or chuck into multiple days?


ELE’s Idea Exchange: Collaborate your insights online with your peers here.


Consider joining ELE’s Virtual cohort for Learning & HR Executives. A TEAM LEADERS Membership grants a year-long learning process through face-to-face collaboration and networking with other local heads of Learning & Talent Development, access to a robust archive of Virtual cohorts and exchanges via ELE Insights, and robust question & answer forum named the ELE Idea Exchange. Each senior leader is encouraged to bring a peer from their organization that contributes to, engages, or supports the Learning & Talent spectrum for their workplace.

Our quarterly cohort exchanges are built around the following design elements:

  1. Sharing practical case studies aligned to business needs
  2. Identifying key issues and developing insights and solutions
  3. Canvassing learning industry trends applied at ELE members’ workplace

For more information, visit https://learningexecutive.com/our-membership-plans/.
