How to Leverage Experiential Learning & Neuroscience to Create a Coaching Culture

As coaching continues to demonstrate increasing value in the workplace, there is an opportunity for L&D professionals to integrate these benefits into their organizations by empowering and encouraging leadership at all levels to buy into coaching as an attitude and as a habit. For this to happen, L&D needs to clearly define and explain the benefits and best practices of coaching in a way that leaders understand, appreciate, and leave with the motivation and efficacy to put these concepts in Through a bunch of interactive activities and mini case studies, we will together explore, reflect and share examples related to:to practice.

  • How does the industry/your organization define coaching?
  • How does the industry/your organization train coaching?
  • Why does the industry/your organization train coaching?
  • What do you think is the most overlooked aspect of coaching?
  • How can we best motivate people to change if they don’t understand their own incompetence?
  • What are the best motivators for leaders to buy into coaching?

This session will briefly examine the importance of coaching in business. It will look at the three key, often-over-looked ingredients that go into good coaching. Lastly, it will illustrate some of the best methods of using neuroscience and experiential learnings to first train leaders to be motivated to want to change before brining best practices into the conversation, and how to make that motivation and behavior change stick over time.
