Balancing Well-Being with Happiness & Positivity

Session Focus: Linking happiness, optimism + positivity to high performance

When we are happy, optimistic and positive, the physiology of the brain changes; it literally changes.

Research for positive psychology, effects of happiness on the brain, dates back to the 1990s. Since then, reams of data, thousands of studies, decades of research, and a serious application of the scientific method have provided irrefutable proof that we perform better when in HOP (happiness, optimism + positivity).

To quote Shawn Achor, “our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.”

This 90-minute Culture Shaping Learning Circle:

• Engages an open discussion forum for leaders to share ideas and challenges they are facing as they seek to sustain workplace cultural norms in uncertain times and the progress they are making.

• Explores challenges striving to develop a culture of continuous learning by developing coaching strategies and fostering a collaborative working environment.

• Encourages Case studies on how member companies working to sustain design thinking practices in a virtual and remote workplace.
