Asynchronous Coaching Strategies

Organizations are striving to develop a culture of continuous learning by developing coaching strategies and fostering a collaborative working environment. Engaging co-workers, communities of practice, learn by doing, and various microlearning solutions to unlock continuous learning for the digital age. Through a collaborative ecosystem of tech-savvy peer-to-peer and expert assessments, employees actively engage in the mastery of skill development. Asynchronous coaching strategies can help organizations reinforce skills, facilitate feedback, increase collaboration, and share expertise across teams.
What we will Explore Together:
15-minute Case Study to kick-off a roundtable discussion:

  • Business Challenge: Moving from a decentralized training program to centralized blended learning to reduce new-hire turnover.
  • Result: 25%+ reduction in turnover and a decrease in ramp time by over two weeks within six months of launching blended learning.

Discussion Points:
We'll focus our roundtable discussion on the following:

  • Expanding our coaching paradigm from a 1-on-1 activity a Coachee receives from a Coach.
  • Integrating coaching strategies with technology-based platforms able to scale a culture of continuous learning and feedback.
  • Tapping a rich body of knowledge workers' peer coaching + feedback to help management scale knowledge retention & skill building.
  • Establishing meaningful social learning connections and training strategies at scale.